It’s never too early to start a specific mood board for your wardrobe! And in this case a capsule collection ... doing this ‘preliminary board’ will assist you in creating a concept statement for your collection. Find imagery whether in print or online (Pinterest or Instagram and Your favorite blogs and designer websites) . This program is not just for a Tina Givens lagenlook, but anything you are currently gravitating to. Psst we are building a new section of patterns for A youthful slimmer look based on our recent research study, so stay tuned...
in in the meantime behin to pin and when it’s time to reflect on what your look is. Review what you see in the big picture, and through those pins you will know what to check off in the concept lists!
Note: over the process of BYW this mood board will evolve as you pin down specifics. You will constantly revisit the board to add or remove certain aspects as you travel through the prigram.
@deejfred I often turn to STG to make something similar to what I admire from another designer. It’s not strictly STG nor the other designer’s. Aren't we lucky?!
So in looking at the mood boards you show...there is nothing wrong in pulling ideas from pictures and things I see in catalogs. I see things all the the time, and think I love that but ... I find I use your patterns as a jumping off point for my ideas. Your Creations. Does that make sense?
Totally! You need to think about what area in your life will you wear this capsule. Then go through those pins and select 12-14 to begin with. Then take some time to reflect. Come back to your new board and have another look. Pin a few more, you may remove some and the process cycles through the program. Make sure to pin what you’re gravitating to and the pins should relate to each other in some way! Pin words and quotes too to inspire your concept!
I think I need to take your advice and create a new Pinterest board as a subset of the “My Style” board. Over 1000 pins isn’t the most helpful when planning a few outfits to sew.